The West Thumb Geyser Basin is the largest geyser basin on Yellowstone Lake, with hydrothermal features both on the shore and in the lake.

Our adventure at Yellowstone’s Upper Geyser Basin started out with the promise of stunning geothermal wonders and picturesque views of the lake, but nature had other plans in store. As we set off, the skies were calm and the steam rising from the geysers created an otherworldly atmosphere. The vibrant colors of the pools and the bubbling mud pots seemed to reflect a peaceful afternoon. However, that tranquility was short-lived. Not long into our exploration, the sky darkened, and the wind picked up—dramatically. Before we knew it, a sudden storm rolled in, the temperature dropped, and hail began pelting the ground around us.

It was an unexpected twist in what we thought would be a calm walk along the geyser paths. Watching the storm rage across the basin was oddly mesmerizing. The hot steam rising from the geysers collided with the icy hail, creating a surreal mix of natural elements. Geysers that had moments before been gentle and inviting suddenly seemed far more intense, their steam mixing with the hail and rain to create a kind of mystical fog. The storm seemed to heighten the experience, making the colors of the geothermal features stand out even more vividly. Pools of turquoise and deep blue shimmered beneath the stormy skies.

As the hail subsided and the storm began to pass, we found ourselves on the edge of Yellowstone Lake. It was as if the entire landscape had been transformed in those brief moments of the storm, showing us a wild, untamed side of Yellowstone we hadn’t anticipated —a reminder that Yellowstone is as unpredictable as it is beautiful. Though we may have been cold and soaked by the end of our adventure, the experience of witnessing nature in all its raw power made it one of the most memorable moments of our trip.

For anyone visiting the Upper Geyser Basin or Yellowstone in general, be prepared for the unexpected—you never know when the weather might shift. But, as we learned, even in the middle of a hailstorm, there’s magic in every corner of this park.